How To Profile PHP Applications with Xdebug, Laragon, and Q Cache Grind

7 minute readWhen trying to speed up your PHP web applications, it sure helps to know where the bottle necks are. That’s where Xdebug and Q Cache Grind can help: they can tell you which functions and class methods are taking up the most time and memory, how many times they’re called, and who called them. With this information, it’s far easier to speed up your code than “shooting in the dark” by just trying to optimize everything.

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Handling Polluted JSON in AJAX

5 minute readThe bane of all Javascript code using jQuery.ajax() is polluted JSON responses: when some HTML or other junk gets into your JSON response, making it unparsable and bringing the whole system to a screeching halt. In this post, I’ll show what you can do with polluted JSON to keep everything working. How It’s Supposed to […]

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