Why We Write

2 minute read   Stumbled upon a subtly opinionated video about “Why so Many People Want to Be Writers” which really got me thinking. The gist is this: we write because we don’t talk. We feel like we have ideas that aren’t being heard by loved ones, so we write them down, hoping someone, somewhere, will respond. …Not […]

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Anger For Manipulation

4 minute read I’ve had some experiences lately that I think have taught me something about using anger to get kids to do what you want. Bed Time Struggles Ever since our daughter Celeste was moved out of her crib and into a bunk bed with her sister Danielle, I’ve been having trouble getting her to sleep on […]

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Small b blogging

< 1 minute read Copied verbatim from Small b blogging Tom Critchlow on network topology and the ghost of the Digg homepage. I think most people would be better served by subscribing to small b blogging. What you want is something with YOUR personality. Writing and ideas that are addressable (i.e. you can find and link to them easily […]

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