So I’m now teaching Sunday school to the 4 and 5 year olds (with Curtis Bachelder). A bit intimidated because I don’t know how to control them, but so far it’s been really fun. I prepared the lesson today and Wyatt Cunliff substituted for Curtis who was sick.
I’m sharing this just to give posterity an idea of what my first lesson to the kids was like.
Opening prayer
Ok kids! We are off to “Ctr camp”! (anyone remember what “CTR” stands for? “Choose the right”)! The camp motto is “what would Jesus have me do?”
First, let’s hike out to camp (do as I’m doing; climb, walk, hop on one foot, look through binoculars for birds and moose)
Ok! We’ve arrived! Welcome to camp!
Let’s all sit for our morning devotional!
Read 2 nephi 31:10
“And he said unto the children of men: Follow thou me. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, can we follow Jesus save we shall be willing to keep the commandments of the Father?”
We follow Jesus Christ when we obey the commandments and do the things he would do.
As you learn more about jesus, you’ll be able to make better choices because he tells and shows us what is right.
Let’s look at some pictures of Jesus and remember what he did. (Scan through manual’s pictures, kids point to when the see jesus and say what he’s doing. Talk for a second about how he set an example for us.)
Whenever we have a difficult decision to make, we ask ourselves our motto “what would jesus have me do?” Meaning what does jesus want me to do?
(At this point some kids wanted to use the washroom or have a drink of water, so we took a 5 minute break to let them do that.)
Ok let’s setup tents… but we only have one hammer. What should they do with it? Repeat motto. Share it.
Great job everybody. Now let’s go Play games. Let’s go swimming! Everyone pretend you’re swimming! In the distance we see another kid who looks lonely. Repeat motto. Let’s invite them to play.
Now let’s make a fire and roast hot dogs and marshmallows. Everyone gather some sticks! Let’s start roasting. …oups, I accidentally knock someone’s marshmallow into the fire. Repeat motto. Share
Nearby campers call us names and we feel like calling them names. What should we do? Repeat motto. Not call them names back.
Tell stories by campfire, “the nest”. (See the primary manual for the story.)
Songs by the campfire like “I’m trying to be like Jesus”, “nephis courage”, and “choose the right”.
Ok time clean up. You’d like to play more but parents ask you to help pack up the tent. What should you do? Repeat motto. Help clean up.
Canoe back! Setup chairs in rows of two. Everyone pretends to paddle. Oh no we need to turn left! Everyone on the right side: paddle faster! Now we need to turn right: everyone on the left side, paddle faster! Ok now we’re going through some small rapids! Everyone paddl faster!
Here’s a sign that says to get out and portage (carry the canoe for a bit). But we’d rather keep canoeing… repeat our motto!
Color page of “ctr camp”
End: choosing the right helps us be happy and avoid danger. Jesus lives each of you and that’s why he us to follow him. Whenever you have a difficult choice to make, try to ask yourself “what would jesus have me do?”
Closing prayer