Today at Church, we had a pretty fun Sunday School lesson for the 4 year olds. The topic was “Always Tell the Truth“.
Here’s more-or-less how it went down:
- “Have you kids ever heard of ‘the Truth Fairy’? Not the Tooth Fairy (ask your parents about that), the ‘Truth Fairy’. No? Well, today we’re going to meet him! And you’ll each have the opportunity to become honorary Truth Fairies too! Let’s go!”
- We all hop out of our chairs and:
- Walk through a magical forest (walk around the classroom)
- Cross a small stream by hopping from rock-to-rock (take turns hopping from one side of the classroom to the next)
- Catch a giant firefly to fly up the mountain (pretend to grab hold of a giant flying bug’s legs and fly across the room)
- Crawl through a cave (crawl under the desk)
- When they came out, I was holding a home-made wand, and said “Hello! I’m the Truth Fairy. Welcome! I help people to always tell the truth, and I need your help. To become a Truth Fairy, you’ll need to:
- Learn why we should always tell the truth
- Get some practice helping kids tell the truth
- Sing the Truth Fairy Anthem
- Recite the Truth Fairy pledge
- Create your own Truth Fairy wand and wings
- I then jumped into the 12th Article of Faith “We believe in being honest [and] true”
- I showed them a picture of Jesus before the High Priest, and we focused on how Jesus told the truth (that he was the Son of God) even when he knew his life was at risk (see Mark 14:53–65)
- Next, we pretended our class was in a magical bubble that let us float around, and we came to the following situations. I told them the situation and asked them what we should do:
- You are playing in your home and you accidentally break a lamp. What should you do?
- Your father asks you to hurry to the store and buy something he needs. He asks you not to stop and play on the way. As you pass your neighbor’s house, she gives you some letters to mail for her. On the way home from the store, you stop to see a friend’s new bicycle. Suddenly you remember that your father is waiting, and you hurry home. Your father is upset, and you want to tell him that you are late because you mailed some letters for the neighbor. What should you say?
- You see a plate of cookies on the table. They look so good that you take one for yourself and give one to your little brother. When your mother comes to take the cookies to her friend, she sees your brother eating a cookie and starts to scold him. What should you do?
- (There were more situations in the lesson, but this was we got around to covering… they were starting to get a bit ancy.)
- Next we sang the Truth Fairy Anthem: “I believe in Being Honest” (in the Lesson)
- Next, they needed to decode the Truth Fairy Pledge. (That was actually the “Secret Message” game at the end of the lesson)
- After that, we finally helped them make wands and wings out of the following materials:
- Wands: Popsicle stick, paper star, glue.
- Wings: pre-cut-out paper wings.
- They then coloured them, while we discussed being honest a bit more. Eg, we talked about how they would feel if someone else was dishonest to them, and whether that would affect how much they trusted that person.
- Once they were done colouring their wings, they lined up to have them attached. They got them attached one-by-one, after reciting the “Truth Fairy Pledge”, and we then congratulated each of them as they got their wings
- We ended with an invitation to try their very best to tell the truth, as that would help others to trust them, and it’s what Heavenly Father would like us to do.
It was pretty fun and I think we got some substantiate doctrine in, even for 4 year-olds.
If I were to do it again, I’d try to include:
- Mentioning “Thou shalt not bear false witness” commandment. Saying it’s one of the ten commandments to not steal would have made the point more clear.
- While the imagination play was fun, I should have been more explicit about what was imagination play (eg pretending to visit the “Truth Fairy”) and what was real doctrine (eg Christ’s trial before the High Priest).
One thing that might be a tad controversial: I explicitly decided to not play the “Truth Game” from the lesson. That’s where the kids sit in a circle, spin a bottle, and answer a question related to the topic. It’s just too obviously similar to “Spin the Bottle” and slightly reminiscent of “Truth or Dare“, both are games of kids getting into mischief that I’d rather not encourage.
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