Yum! I haven’t eaten Korean food in probably half a decade, so this was a real treat for me. It felt like the tastiest dish I’ve had in years.
I merged the recipe from the Korean Taco dinner kit from the Great Canadian Superstore with this recipe online.
I also added some green onions as an option to the tacos. But really the winning ingredient was the kimchi caramelized in sesame oil and sugar.
I also threw some bell peppers on there as a flavorful, fresh filler. And some lemon juice.
I added some coconut rice (1 can coconut milk, 1 and 1/2 cups water, with 1 and 1/2 cups rice, about a teaspoon salt, and a teaspoon of butter and brown sugar but I don’t know if that made much difference.)
The kids weren’t even upset because they just picked the ingredients they wanted, and tried a few new ingredients.